Become a part of zwissTEX.
We provide training.
Egal ob Ausbildung oder duales Studium – die zwissTEX Germany GmbH bietet Dir eine sehr gute Betreuung für Deinen Schritt in das Berufsleben.
We give you the chance to connect learned theory with hands-on practice.
You will benefit from the knowledge of our specialists right from the start. As a medium-sized company, we offer you flat hierarchies, which means you are always in the middle of the action. Whether you are interested in technical, commercial or IT professions, you will be offered the conditions to grow beyond yourself - professionally as well as personally. You will also gain financial independence and stand on your own two feet.
After your apprenticeship or your dual studies, you have the best chances of continuing to work for us.
Apply now and become part of our team!
What we offer:
- modern workplaces
- varied assignments
- Future perspective
- Competent supervision by your trainer
- Further training opportunities
What is important to us:
- a good school report
- independency and circumspection
- Teamwork
- Reliability
- a friendly and self-confident appearance

Produktionsmechaniker Textil

Kaufmann für Digitalisierungsmanagement

Maschinen- und Anlagenführer Textiltechnik

Duales Studium BWL
International Business

You would like to apply for a training position or have questions about our training program?
Then please contact our personnel department directly.
We are looking forward to meeting you!

Stephanie Dick
Personnel Officer
+49 7323 86 0
How do I apply?
We prefer applications via e-mail.
However, you still have the option to apply by mail.
When can I expect to hear back?
After sending your application, you will receive a confirmation of receipt. This way you can be sure that your documents have been received by zwissTEX.
Our HR department will then read your application documents personally and check them for suitability.
This may take several weeks.
We kindly ask for your understanding.
When will I know if I get the job?
After our personal meeting we will give you
a written feedback as soon as possible.
If you are accepted, we will send you a training contract
and further information.
There may be multiple applicants, so our response may
take longer in rare cases.
We ask for your understanding that we can only make a final decision after all interviews have been completed.
What documents should the application include?
Deine Unterlagen sollten ein Anschreiben, Deinen vollständigen Lebenslauf, die letzten 3 Schulzeugnisse und – falls vorhanden – Zeugnisse deiner Praktika und Zertifikate enthalten.
When will I be invited for an interview?
If your application matches your career aspirations, we will invite you to a personal interview. This usually takes place with the respective trainers.
Can I apply again later after a rejection?
We are happy to accept your application even if you had been rejected. It may well be that we can offer you a suitable training position at a later date or that a suitable position is available in one of our specialist departments after your training.